Monday, February 5, 2007


I discovered a new fruit!

I mean...I didn't "discover" it, but I tried (and enjoyed) it for the first time. The Pomello. I had always wondered about that grapefruit-like citrus that was comparable in size to my head. I wondered what it tasted like and where it grew. Well, I was THIS close to buying one on Friday but then chickened out. Luckily for me, though, our Shabbat dinner guests were nice enough to bring over a basket of fruit for us and, wouldn't you know it, a Pomello was one of the fruits they bought!

So here's the deal with the Pomello....

- It has an incredibly thik rind (see photo below)

- It tastes like a sweeter, milder grapefruit

- It's far too large to consume alone

- The membrane on each of the segments is VERY thick and needs to be removed before eating (yes, that's actually peel the pomello and then peel each individual segment)

-The membrane on each segment is so thick that you can actually separate the segments and save some in the fridge for later,

- 2-3 segments are about enough for a mid-day snack (that's what I'm having today).

So, don't be a scaredy cat like me. Next time you see one in the store, don't shy away from one!

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