So...the Julia Project was one girl's quest to cook all 524 of Julia Child's recipes in one year. The girl, named Julie, kept an ongoing blog throughout the year (because apparently the cooking didn't keep her busy enough), and had a very devoted following. On the day when Julia Child passed away, she had a sweet (and finally hilarious) tribute to her:
Julia Child was ninety-one years old when she died, late yesterday, in her sleep. It’s the death that all of us want, after a life so full it would seem she was one of history’s true lucky souls, if only luck had had anything to do with it. She enriched the lives of thousands – my life she quite literally turned around. She died well-loved, and I hope she died well-fed. There is no tragedy here. It’s a day for remembrance, and celebration.
So why am I so f*%$ing sad?
Sorry kiddies, I blog.
Anyway, that's NOT the point. The point is this. I was very interested in this project and thought it was a great (albeit insane) idea. I wanted to know more, but figured it would be a huge undertaking to go back and actually read the blog. Oh well.
Today, after yet another successful but fruitless interview, I went to my new favorite hangout - the main branch of the Ottawa public library - and headed straight for the "What's New" section. Before I continue, let me just explain, for those of you who haven't spoken to me recently, what a 'sucessful but fruitless interview' is, because I know it sounds like an oxymoron, but it isn't.
A 'successful but fruitless interview' is one where I nail every question thrown at me (in English or French), where I don't trip and fall, spit on the interviewer while answering a particularly exciting question, or forget how to say key words in French. It also refers to an interview where the interviewer says things like:
"Wow....this was a great interview. No really, I mean it. You really impressed me with your answers. You really know your stuff! And you're biligual to boot! We should be making a decision about who to hire within the next 9 weeks or so, so we might get back to you. Thanks for coming out...the exit is just over there, to your left".
See that? successful but fruitless, all at once.
Anyway, as I was saying, I was at the library and...My eyes were still hazy from the sheer inhumanity of the cold outside, so I just grabbed the first book on the shelf, without even seeing what it was. And wouldn't you know it, THIS is what I picked up. Again, kudos to all of you who didn't bother clicking, because I'm not only going to tell you what THIS is, but I'm also going to post a picture:

That's right...she wrote a book! The girl actually wrote a book about her year-long adventure (Apparently it almost cost her her marriage, job and sanity! Note to self....)
Weird, eh? I had never even heard about this whole project before yesterday, and suddenly I find the website and stumble across the book within 24 hours! Wonders never cease to amaze me.
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