The apricot chicken was a keeper (I'll post the recipe tomorrow, I promise), and it was even tastier the second day. The roasted vegetables, as previously mentioned, were divine! They were warm and caramelized on the outside, with slightly charred edges, and the insides were soft and buttery. Yum! The cookies and chocolate banana bread dessert were sooo yummy. I caught Adam with his head in the freezer, stealing extra cookies and cake, on more than one occasion! And the gefilte fish was really tasty...especially given how simple it is to make (another recipe I'll post tomorrow).
Of course, more importantly than any good food, the company was fantastic. My great friend Joanna and her boyfriend Mike joined us later in the evening and we chatted late into the night. They're such a great couple, and it was so nice to see them again after almost a year and a half! Here's a pic of the ever-perky Joanna...
Good eating, relaxing shabbos with lots of warm tea and great books to read....what more could one want?! Oh...I know....two hours at the gym to work off this ridiculous amount of food. Adam and I are spending the evening there!
Post-gym Update: Ok, so we didn't spend 2 hours, only 1 hour and 20 minutes. But I did 40 minutes of hardcore elyptical and some ab work. 200 Calories burned on the elyptical...not bad! I should really be doing this more often.
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