Monday, January 29, 2007

My grocery store

Here are some pictures of my grocery store: Produce Depot. For all of you who've heard the stories about our over-stuffed fridge, bursting with pounds and pounds of produce, now you'll be able to picture where I buy the stuff. Now, I don't actually pay full price for the pounds and pounds of produce....nor do I even want pounds and pounds of the stuff. The reason I get so much of it is because of PD's wonderful "Day olds" program, where they practically give away all the juicy, wonderful fruits and vegetables that were delivered and being sold at full price the morning before. Take look at these pictures (Captions provided below)

This is a picture I took at PD only a few short minutes ago.

This is the famous "day olds" cart, where they put bags and bags of freshly packaged produce and then sell it for almost nothing. The best part is that there really is a great variety of produce being sold cheaply, and not just tomatoes and zuchinnis, as you might expect. Today, for instance, I got a variety of squashes (5 different ones for $2.49) and even contemplated buying a humongous bag of mandarins (probably about 30) which was being sold for $1.49. They also had mixed apples (13 for $1.99) and 5 enormous grapefruits for $2.00. But's just the two of us here, so I have to be discplined and let some of these great buys go...

For all you out there who just love your juicers, you'll get a real kick out of this: See that bag on the middle shelf at the far left? That was a bag of 1 dozen beautiful pomegranites.....price? $2.49

Absolute crazyness.

Boy, do I ever need a job.

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