Friday, February 2, 2007

Tu B'shvat

Soooo...for those of you who don't know, this week is the celebration of Tu B'shvat. It's basically a celebration of the land/trees/nature, etc.
We celebrate (eat) a variety of different 'species', all of which I've decided to include in tonight's shabbat meal.
Here are the fruits/species and how they'll be used (some of them in more creative ways than others):
Wheat: Whole wheat challah & Whole wheat flour chocolate chip cookies
Pomegranate: We're just going to eat the seeds of a pomegranate with dessert
Almonds: Plain almonds served with appetizer
Olives: Spicy mixed olive chicken
Figs & Dates: Served dried with dessert
Grapes: Wine and seedless green grapes for dessert
Barley: BEER!
Not to get overly spiritual/religious here, but this is kind of interesting. I hadn't even thought about doing a Tu B'shvat meal before this morning, and yet when it occurred to me that it might be a nice idea, I realized that I had already coincidently incorporated 5 out of 8 species into the meal I had planned. Cool!
SHABBAT SHALOM! And Chag Sameach to all!

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